Age Distribution Test


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Data Notes

Over the last few months, I have done some work creating various age distributions that show different demographic traits. I wanted to create something though that was able to show age distributions with multiple demographic traits all in one place. This graphic is my attempt at making this tool.

In the data visualization above you are able to take various demographic traits and apply them to the population pyramid of the U.S. You can then use the filters below to adjust the pyramid to only show certain populations. If you want the visual to only show one characteristic or exclude a trait, simply click it in the legend and keep or remove it.

The data for this tool comes from the Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) published by the American Community Survey.  It then utilizes Tableau to display the data.You can find information about the ACS PUMS at the Census Bureau’s website. On the site there is information about the survey, summary level data, and how to use the PUMS data.

I plan on updating this tool throughout the year. If there are any traits that you are interested in seeing, let me know and I would be happy to set it up. Also, since this is an ongoing project, any suggestions you have on how to make the visualization better are welcome. Leave a comment below, or tweet at us @overflow_data.

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