Visualization Controls
Educational Attainment Filter
The filter on the bottom of the visualization allows you to quickly switch between the precentage of the state population that has a high school diploma or higher and the percentage that has a bachelor’s degree or higher. As you can see, this has an observable effect on the visualization and the trend line.
The tooltip allow you to discover the state each circle represents. The state by state breakout lets you know the exact information on the percentage of the population that has that level of educational attainment as well as the percentage of the state population that voted for President Obama over Mitt Romney in 2012. Also, hovering over the trend line allows you to see the specifics on the linear regression that was performed to create it.
This visualization is the combination of two data sets. The first is on educational attainment and is data provided by the 2014 American Community Survey. The data can be found at American Fact Finder on table S1501. The one year estimates were used.
The second data source was the results of the 2012 presidential election. The data was originally found on Wikipedia, but the sources were verified. This data found was compiled from a Federal Election Commission report on the 2012 election and revised numbers that were published by individuals states. States that had revisions included New York, Ohio, and Wisconsin. In calculating the percentage of voters that voted for President Obama, only the voters that voted for President Obama or Governor Mitt Romney were included
You can find more information about our analysis of this visualization here.
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